So, it's been forever since I wrote anything on here, but it's not like a) anyone reads it, or b) it won't be forever until I write on it again. So here's what's been happenin'.
-I got a sweet guitar.
-Emily and I saw
Monsters versus Aliens and it rocked.
-We saw Unknown Hinson
-Emily is still in school, got cool internship at Guilford College Library
-I'm about to graduate (Aaaack)
-Cornbread ate some food and then pooped (and then ate it)
-I beat Emily at Monopoly
-I beat Emily at Life
-I beat Emily at Monopoly (again)
-I read a little (then kicked Emily's butt at Monopoly)
-I've been visiting the library a lot recently and scoopin' up them good free musics cds. The last two trips have been sweet, but the most recent one was a bust. Except for the Journey two disc essential greatest hits. Don't stop believin'.
-Emily got a cool new camera
-New camera and new guitar put us far into debt. Selling of blood will commence shortly.
-In a crazed desire to do something dramatic and fun to celebrate my graduation we booked a week long Disney trip. Yeah, I know it's crazy, but when else would we do it? After this I just spend the rest of my life paying off debt that we will gradually accrue that will choke our creativity and joy until Emily and I are just dried bags of skin, greasy fast food fat, and numb-minded television educated slobs who have trouble caring if the diabetes gets them before the most likely fatal chocking on a Rock Ola cheese fry. So we're doing it now. I'm more excited than Ems even knows (and she's pretty excited too, as is the travel agent who booked it for us). Of course this means that I will probably have to finally cash in on all those lovingly collected plastic bits, like my Star Wars legos (pew pew laser). I think that this is the perfect time to be selling high dollar Star Wars collectibles. Everyone just has money to burn, and what better investment than a 1" high lego Yoda?
Tonight we went and saw Hope for Agoldensummer, a sweet band from Georgia. Emily hadn't ever seen them and they are DEF a band to see live. I've decided that the Green Bean is the perfect venue for live music. I usually don't want to see a band that could play a larger venue. Unless it is outside. That's different. The band that opened for them was Our Horse Jethro and they were awesome. I had heard of them, but hadn't heard them until tonight.
Anywho, I should go to bed.