Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Today we hit up the market and the aquarium. I got some sweet 'bots and other ass. junk. We are going to check out the fireworks over the space needle 4 new years. More later.
Also, Weezer is awesome for travels!
Also, Weezer is awesome for travels!
Just a brief note, about tonight. I went out on the balcony and looked out at the lights of the city below. The rain and fog made everything look unreal and beautiful. It made me feel sn happy just to be alive and seeing it.

Seattle, part 2

There's a lot that's been going on lately, what with Christmas and school being out. I've gotten up to many shenanigans with Jed and Emily and the Fam. I will update all that stuff that I didn't have time to write about (such as the transportation museum and all the Christmas celebrations) at a later date. The reason they will be put off is that I'm in Seattle! It's hard to write about past adventures when you're on a new one.

I miss the bunny and I hate flying on planes (but enjoy it on giant birds). So far in Seattle we've had delicious Chinese buns, had some Vietnamese food, seen the Gas Works park (which is very Steampunk) and also been to the Seattle Art Museum. I was very excited to give Emilly's Dad and Nancy the "What's my line?" game I found for them on ebay. It wasn't much, but I think they knew it was a heartfelt/searched for gift. I got (in addition to a free trip to Seattle and a million meals) a gift certificate to the Sci-fi museum!

I will put up some pictures later. I'm to lazy right now.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hello everyone. So I finally finished school. I did okay with one B, one A-, and the rest were A's. Not bad for taking six classes. It was a really hard semester and I'm glad it's over. Next semester I will NOT take 18 credits again. Nope, I'm takin' 19! I'm an idiot. Hopefully though, that will be the final semester.
This week has been pretty chill, just hangin' around the house and "unpacking" (also known as watching movies online while shifting boxes occasionally). Jed and I have been hanging out some and that's really fun. Emily is knitting up a storm in preparation for Christmas.
Here are some photos from my cell phone. The fam and I are too cheap to get a media plan where these photos can be sent to a computer and I finally bought a micro sd card ($2.95 from China!) so I can move mine around. So here are most of them. I kind of filled up the memory on the phone a while ago, so I don't have that many. It sucked because I could only keep the ones that I thought were really important.

This is Emily's new haircut. Cute right?
This is a painting at the Guilford Library gallery that I really liked.
This is a friend from school. I just thought her hair blowing was hilarious for some reason.
A picture I liked (embarrassingly from Panera).
A "special" child and her rabbit. Reminded me of Emily and Cornbread.
Emily being cute.
Ashley looking cool in front of a truck at the flea market.
Adorable Cornbread.
Emily in front of the smart car she wants.
A llama (natural science center trip with Emily, Ryan, and Ashley).
A straw jammed through Ryan's pierced ear. Yuck.
Ashley being a size comparison for Morgan's butt (it's kind of a big deal).
Me in a sombrero. I bought that too.
Jed's burnt up car.
Oh Max, you will be mourned...
Me in a cool helmet (I did not buy this).
E. being cute again.
Emily in her helmet. She normally has to wear this all the time. It's sad, but she falls a lot, and doesn't catch herself with her hands. So the helmet protects her already pretty damaged brain.
A woodburning that I am particularly proud of making that I gave to Jim. Man, I worked FOREVER on this!
The name sez it all. (the "sez" is special for Em's)
Emily being all beautiful with her long hair.
Chica I worked with for 3 years. It seemed important to keep this, but I'm not sure why. Someday she will marry Jed.
Emily hiding.
Birds nest at United Street. From the first time Jed came over when we were moving in.

Friday, December 12, 2008


I'm done with exams. Thank god. Now just waiting to see if I'll graduate on time...

Monday, December 8, 2008


Today I have my Europe in Revolution exam and I turn in my final paper for Africa to 1800. I'm a little nervous about the exam as it makes me feel sort of sleepy looking at my study material. Let's just say that yesterday I had a few naps. Also, the exam study questions are insanely complex, for example:

"From 1848 to 1914, Europe's socialists sought to serve the political and economic interests of Europe's working class. Though socialists generally agreed on the economic and political goals that they hoped to reach for workers, various socialist groups developed different and even competing ideas, plans and programs to reach these goals. In an essay, discuss the factors that united adn divided two important socialist factions: the hard line adherents of Marxist revolutionalry socialism and the adherents of revisionism or reform socialism. What basic economic and political goals did both factions hope to achieve for the working class? How did the revolutionary (Marxist) socialists argue such goals would be realized? What concret plans and policies did they pursue to forward their cuase? (Please point to the revolutionary socialists in at least one nation to illustrate your points.) How did the reform socialists (reformists) argue that the economic and political goals or the working would be realized? What concrete plans and policies did they pursue to forward their cause? (Please point to the reform socialists in at least one nation to illustrate your points.) How would you account for the icy and often hostile relationship between the thinkers and followers of these two socialist movements?"

And that's just one of five diff. essays I could prepare for. Granted, I will only have to answer two, but you got to be ready to answer any of the five.

Sigh. Back to studying!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finally Friday

This week has been rather hellish, with due dates of papers getting mixed up so that I ended up writing an 8 page, 5 page, and 2 page paper in about an 8 hour period. I only have an Exec. Summ., a presentation, a 4 page paper, a 6 page paper, a Cinema exam, and a History exam left. Thank god! That means of course that I should have a very busy weekend, starting Sat.

So today I totally slacked on the whole getting things done front. I slept late, as in PM late, and then played with the bunny. Much internet playing, some reading, and the watching of Hellboy II filled the day until Emily came home.

Oh yeah, brief aside, Emily got the most amazingly cute haircut.

Anyhoo, back to the boring description of the day I had. Emily and I went to the library to pick up two books I had on hold (meaning of course that I left with like 15) and visited Jed at his office. Then we ate dinner (chinese food) and did laundry. We really like the new apartment, and not having a washer dryer isn't so bad as the Wash Pub is across the street. It's nice to have a beer while washing your underoos.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Climb Upon Thy Faithful Steed

Here are some pics I took ridin' to and from school this morning. It was a great day to be out on your bike. The rest of the day was pretty drudgy school work, but not so bad. Cornbread attacked me when he smelled raisins, and I lost him for 10 minutes when he snuck into the food pantry. Emily hung out with friends and brought me a meatball sub from subway. It was a very nice gesture, but the absolute nastiest thing I've ever eaten. Oh I did eat it.

To do when school is out:
-Visit transportation museum. Ride train. Buy from their gift shop.
-Buy Emi's last gift.
-Get bike tuneup
-Oil change
-Work more
-Glut myself on non school related reading (primarily Verne, Steampunk and graphic novels from the library)
-Finish unpacking moving boxes.
-Sleep forever.
-Teach Cornbread to waltz (will post on youtube)

Monday, December 1, 2008

New Apt.

Here's some photos from the new place. Odessa is the sweet (and blurry) blue bike. I had some sweet photos on here, but they somehow got erased. This is all that's left.

The wind was blowing pretty hard today, which was awesome when it was at my back (going to school), and majorly sucked when I rode straight into it (coming home from school). Plus, ye olde back brakes are not performing so well. At least it's enough to get me to and from school! Emily and I had a huge salad for dinner and then watched a movie. Heroes was on, but we no have TV anymore. Cornbread watched with us, but I think the film was above his head.

From Now Til Then

So my new big blog intro spread is a photo from the old house. It made me kind of sad, but also kind of happy because I'm able to say, "Hey, see this pretty pic.? I lived at this place." There are so many things changing right now (although most of them are sort of cyclical). It seems so nice to be hangin' out with Jed again. Also, I'm riding my bike, cooking stir fry, reading loads more than usual, and for once (and especially surprising considering what time of year it is) I AM NOT FREAKING OUT ABOUT SCHOOL!!! All these things (except the non-freak out on school) is Jeremy circa 2006. I finished an essay tonight (early no less) and now I'm just putting off going to bed. The coffees set up for in the morning, and the clothes are laid out in the office. All I need to do is check my tire pressure tomorrow and I will be on my way.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Final Days of Moving

Today Emily, Jed, and I finished up the last bit of cleaning on the old apartment. Tomorrow we give the landlord the keys. It is definitely a landmark for us. That has to be the smallest house ever. Moving out we saw just how much we had crammed into every nook and cranny. Even with ALL of our stuff in the new house, most of it spread out on the floor, we still have more room.

After we finished up with the cleaning the three of us had some Thai food and went and saw Twilight. Emily saw it on opening night, and Jed was afraid of going alone in case he looked to Lestery. Anyhoo, it is rare that there is a movie all three of us will agree on and (even though it is not what I would have chosen to see) I had a good time. There's just something about seeing a moderately good movie with friends in stinky old Brassfield that just makes my warm inside.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday sucks. At least I barely work today. Plus, Emily drove me to work and she is picking me up. So I didnt have to park.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Almost Thanksgivin'!

Emily and I are almost done with the big move. Today Jed came and gave us some great help. It was fantastic hanging out with him (it had been a while since we had seen each other). Tomorrow there will be much food and I am working on building up an appetite (always a problem with me you know).

If you happen to scope out the books read list you probably have noticed the absurd amount of graphic novels that have been washing up there. The reason for this is that I just discovered that the library has these sweet little puppies. It's awesome because they cost a pretty penny and I hate trying to read whole books at Barnes and Noble.
Move almost done! Just some cleaning left to do. Jed provided some invaluable help. More later.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Move

We're still in the process of moving, but at least we are done for the most part. Yesterday was the big push, when we got the couch and moved all the big stuff. Last night the two of us collapsed in gooey liquid puddles of exhaustion and slept until lat this morning. We woke up pretty early (10am hee hee) and ate a huge breakfast at Best Diner before getting a few more loads from the old house. Then there was the unavoidable wal-mart shopping for the weird things we seem to buy for every new house that you just take for granted at the old house. Like toilet bowl cleaners. I and not going to move one of those. Anyhoo... Thanksgiving approaches and with it comes the never pleasant callings of the mall for service from the beleaguered baristas who frequent its damp and musty halls. The moon shines bright this Thanks Giving Day, as one of those proud baristas is not working the early shift. No, this day he only works 4 hours on that bitch Black Friday. Tomorrow I ride my bike to school. Sweet.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Oh yeah....

So here I am procrastinating on homework yet again. Emily and I move tomorrow and I think we have packed like 4 boxes. That's right. Also, my African drumming concert is tonight and I'm a little nervous. Mostly because I dreamt that my drum head exploded on stage and everyone was like, "Come on, keep drumming!" but there wasn't a surface for me to drum on. It sucked. Hopefully that won't happen. Here's another suck bit of news, I have to work Black Friday this year. I swore I wasn't going to, but somehow I get talked into these things. I DID, however, manage to almost complete my Christmas shopping. It was a little nerve wracking. Back to homework.

Here's a goofy picture of my Emily, and my new palm pilot (that I didn't need)

Monday, November 17, 2008

I don't want to be in class today. I just want it to be over! If i could just fast forward through the next two weeks i would be so happy!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hi emily!
I am posting from my phone!

An Early Thanksgiving

This evening Emily and I went to my sister's house for an early Thanksgiving. What with the schedules of everyone involved being completely haywire it was nice to have it early this year. The food was great and everyone had a good time. It didn't have all the pressure that a "real" Thanksgiving dinner would have had, but it DID have the great food and fun family conversations.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Foot Monster Strikes Again, We're Moving, I'm Sleepsy
Watch out for your feetses!!!

I'm moving Thursday! AAAAAHHHHH!!!

I'm really tired and I have yoga tomorrow!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Whatever your political affiliation, I think that you have to concede that history was made tonight. And it feels great to be a part of it.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What a Break

What a long time it has been since I've written anything here. I've been so busy with school (midterms just ended Friday) that I haven't even had time ot think. But now its Fall break! Hurrah! This is kind of a work in progress, so bear with me as I try to catch up books read, news, my fun toys and my new website. Hopefully there will be a post up tomorrow and a few new things added. Part of me wanted to just write a monster post now, but that seems silly. So I'll start with just some basic stuff. The Critical Digital thing is in the process of being turned into a separate website. I got inspired by reading some flikr photographers who also use toy cameras to try something different. I bought a cheap Halina camera that will be the main Critical Digital camera. This is the Halina. Cute huh?
This is a picture I took with it. Outside shots seem to do better than inside shots.
As seen here. Emily looks a little grainy.
And now for my most exciting piece of news. I replaced my Zire 71!!! See here for what happened to the first one. It is VERY exciting. I've been entering data and snapping shots with it nonstop. Emily always mocks me for my love of dead technology, but I think that I get a lot of use out of these items. Here's a photo of Emily and some techy computer/guitar things I took with the zire. I also have started using it as an ebook reader, which is pretty fun and a good use for it I think.

I've read a ton of stuff recently (mostly for school, but also a large amount of brain numbing -in a good way- children's star wars lit). I have two great online finds that I think should be used by everyone. One is pandora, a free online radio station thingy. It is pretty awesome. You type in a song or artist you like and it plays similar artists and songs. Type in Clancy Eccles and just lay back and let the tunes roll in. It is fantastic for doing computer work to. Emily discovered it and I spent a whole car ride to Durham playing with it on her iphone. I also recommend creating an Ananda Shankar station. Another recommendation is The Simple Dollar. The author just makes sense and the archive of old articles is amazing. Its where I got the idea to try making my bread at home instead of buying it. Here's how it turned out.

Also I've become completely obsessed with this ds game called N+. The game is awesome and fiercely addictive. There are about 3 billion levels, and each one is a challenge. It is a blast to play and each session usually only takes 5 minutes or so (my normal video game tolerance). It has equaled Professor Layton for sheer enjoyability.
The economy being in crisis has really made me realize how fantastically well off I am. I have a car, 2 bicycles, multiple computers and entertainment systems, free internet and cable, no lack of food (even though it is pricey), and loads of books. More books than some people will ever see in their whole lives. I know its bad that the global crisis makes me re