Monday, December 1, 2008

From Now Til Then

So my new big blog intro spread is a photo from the old house. It made me kind of sad, but also kind of happy because I'm able to say, "Hey, see this pretty pic.? I lived at this place." There are so many things changing right now (although most of them are sort of cyclical). It seems so nice to be hangin' out with Jed again. Also, I'm riding my bike, cooking stir fry, reading loads more than usual, and for once (and especially surprising considering what time of year it is) I AM NOT FREAKING OUT ABOUT SCHOOL!!! All these things (except the non-freak out on school) is Jeremy circa 2006. I finished an essay tonight (early no less) and now I'm just putting off going to bed. The coffees set up for in the morning, and the clothes are laid out in the office. All I need to do is check my tire pressure tomorrow and I will be on my way.

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