Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Climb Upon Thy Faithful Steed

Here are some pics I took ridin' to and from school this morning. It was a great day to be out on your bike. The rest of the day was pretty drudgy school work, but not so bad. Cornbread attacked me when he smelled raisins, and I lost him for 10 minutes when he snuck into the food pantry. Emily hung out with friends and brought me a meatball sub from subway. It was a very nice gesture, but the absolute nastiest thing I've ever eaten. Oh I did eat it.

To do when school is out:
-Visit transportation museum. Ride train. Buy from their gift shop.
-Buy Emi's last gift.
-Get bike tuneup
-Oil change
-Work more
-Glut myself on non school related reading (primarily Verne, Steampunk and graphic novels from the library)
-Finish unpacking moving boxes.
-Sleep forever.
-Teach Cornbread to waltz (will post on youtube)

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