Saturday, September 27, 2008


Hello everyone. After much trouble, toil, and about 4 camera returns "Critical Digital" is running again. This is a test run of photos I took today with the new critical digital camera (this new one even has space for an sd card, and its flash is only supernova bright-that f'er knocks out the sun). Emily and I went on an adventure and I documented it. I'm experimenting with captions for the photos. Although I like the simplicity of just photos, I thought I would try this new method out.

Emily and I started the adventure by going by the mall to get my paycheck. Ashley was studying very hard at a table outside the kiosk.Ashley was studying to be a COFFEE MASTER, and was a little bored.
Emily was happy to be in the mall.
Mostly because it is so beautiful.
Being at Starbucks just makes me so happy...
Emily saw it was getting late, so we headed to the bank and off to our goal, JR Outlet!

We left Ashley texting, uh, I mean studying.Then we hit the road.

Emily drove.
I rode in the passenger seat.
This is what I saw.

Being back on the road was like breathing again. Yeah, that sounded cool and Kerouac-esque right?
I got lazy and tired of holdin' the camera straight.
Finally we arrived.
Some pants (thanks to the b-day money from mi madre) and other supplies (jerky, books, presents for friends, pack of jellybeans) were purchased. Then we got back on the road. It was dark.

We got back to Greensboro and stuffed out faces at Golden Corral (a handy buy one get one coupon allowed us to dine for a measly $10). Then we came home and groaned. We layed in the floor with Cornbread and read "Flowers for Algernon" out loud. Cornbread and Emily cried at the end but I didn't. Not even a little. I'd just been cutting some onions. That were dusty.

Monday, September 15, 2008

My 100th Post

I feel like this post should be momentous, but I'm tired. Emily have been working pretty nonstop on homework this weekend although there was time for Ed McKays (where i bought a bunch of kid's books) the curb market, and eating at Pho. I have bought 2!!! cameras since my shitty little Sakar went kerplutt, but neither was worth a dang. One would not take a picture in focus to save a life (the manual recommended carrying around a tripod-or a keychain camera!!!). The other's viewscreen was broken. So who knows what's up. The video that starts the blog is from the first of these cameras. I am

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Criticalist of Digitalist

Oh woe is me! Today the unthinkable (except I think I wrote about my sneaking suspicions of it in the last 2 blogs) has happened. Old (less than a week old anyway) cheap digital camera has kicked the proverbial bucket. I know that this will disappoint some of you (mostly me). I really just don't think that the poor thing was ever supposed to really be used all that much. Today I came home from Starbucks and my first class of the day (Europe in Revolution) to upload the 20 or so pictures I had shot that morning (and some of them were pretty good, only a little shaky and blurry). There was even a video of espresso shots being pulled! Then it happened. The camera...did absolutely nothing. Wouldn't turn on. My computer wouldn't recognize it, and no amount of crying, cursing, hitting, apologizing, gentle caresses, segues into more hitting and cursing, crying apologies, or flinging across the rooms would help. Sigh. Maybe "Critical Digital" will return at a later date, but for now it is done. In other news, I'm writing an article about the best Pad Thai in Greensboro, and my drumming class will have a "recital

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Critical Digital V

(Sadly, about 7 pictures disappeared from the camera here. It's an unfortunate side effect of using a $19 digital camera. It wouldn't turn on, so I tried switching batteries. Unfortunately the camera will NOT keep photos when the batteries are removed. It still wouldn't switch on so I put the old batteries back in and smacked it. At which point it turned on. So I didn't need to take the batteries out and lose my pictures, instead I should have just hit it first. The photos were mostly of the drive to Durham. Here's a sad face about it right after it happened.)

I'm worried the picture quality reveals that smacking it may not have been the best plan. I don't think the camera was supposed to be used as much as I have since I bought it. These (unfortunately) are the BEST pictures, out of theI've taken hundreds. But the experiment continues. I've not really gotten any feedback on it, so THAT would be appreciated.