Saturday, September 6, 2008

Critical Digital I

Back in the day I used to own a sweet little palm pda that had a camera on it. I loved that camera and took hundreds of terrible pictures with it. The low resolution images and lack of flash made things look more "real" in some strange way to me. With my other camera I always try to capture some perfect picture or hyper realism. I am usually frustrated by this. My birthday was last week and I felt like it was okay to reward myself with a little present from Wally World, so I picked up the cheapest digital camera that they had that still came with a view screen. I also picked up a sweet cherry design "camera sock" from the quarter machine outside. Thus begins my new escapade. I plan on (maybe) trying to take pictures of things I see in my everyday life. They probably wont be "good" pictures, but they will illustrate the things that I enjoy. The low resolution means that they wont look so good in any format but tiny. I think that this is good, as it means I have to get the oomph of whatever I take a picture of in a very tiny place. It has to be simple. It has to be obvious. So here is the first batch. If anyone wants me to id the photos then leave a comment and I will let you know and will label them in the future. Thanks to everyone who spoke to me or left me a message on my b. day. Please don't feel bad if we haven't spoken, I know that you love me and hopefully you know I love you. I'm just VERY busy with my 6 classes and such. Much love, and enjoy.

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