Friday, August 29, 2008


I've been so incredibly busy with school and work that I have not had any time to blog, which makes me sad. I like blogging. Right now its 1 am and I have to get up for class and work tomorrow, but not too early. Usually I blog more when I'm in school because I procrastinate so much and my blog is pretty easy to use as a distraction. Cornbread is sleeping in the living room now, so he is watching me blog. There are some pretty major things afoot in ole Jeremy's life right now. Stuff with work may be changing. I'm sad I won't get to go to Wilmington to see my Nana this weekend because of work, and I'm also sad that I turn 26 next week. Geez. I started this blog last year right about this time. Isn't it crazy to think that I've done this a whole year? On and off admittedly, but still...

I really would like to keep this going at least another year. I make so many weird promises to myself that I feel compelled to keep. When I started smoking (at 15) I always promised myself I would stop when I was 25, at the time a fairly unimaginably long way away. So when I finally turned 25 I did it. It took me a few months, but I am comfortably calling myself a non-smoker. I'm at a very unique point in my life now (isn't every moment though?) where I am questioning some of my early decisions about things, and questioning what influenced the decisions I made about likes/dislikes, religion, music, exhibitionism (let's face it, that's what this is...). I just keep coming back to the fact that I enjoy it, and that's enough for now. But then again, I enjoyed smoking too...

1 comment:

Dougpad said...

Happy Birthday!

Glad this world is graced with your presence.

We are all better off for it!