(Sadly, about 7 pictures disappeared from the camera here. It's an unfortunate side effect of using a $19 digital camera. It wouldn't turn on, so I tried switching batteries. Unfortunately the camera will NOT keep photos when the batteries are removed. It still wouldn't switch on so I put the old batteries back in and smacked it. At which point it turned on. So I didn't need to take the batteries out and lose my pictures, instead I should have just hit it first. The photos were mostly of the drive to Durham. Here's a sad face about it right after it happened.)
I'm worried the picture quality reveals that smacking it may not have been the best plan. I don't think the camera was supposed to be used as much as I have since I bought it. These (unfortunately) are the BEST pictures, out of theI've taken hundreds. But the experiment continues. I've not really gotten any feedback on it, so THAT would be appreciated.
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