Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Hello everyone. So I finally finished school. I did okay with one B, one A-, and the rest were A's. Not bad for taking six classes. It was a really hard semester and I'm glad it's over. Next semester I will NOT take 18 credits again. Nope, I'm takin' 19! I'm an idiot. Hopefully though, that will be the final semester.
This week has been pretty chill, just hangin' around the house and "unpacking" (also known as watching movies online while shifting boxes occasionally). Jed and I have been hanging out some and that's really fun. Emily is knitting up a storm in preparation for Christmas.
Here are some photos from my cell phone. The fam and I are too cheap to get a media plan where these photos can be sent to a computer and I finally bought a micro sd card ($2.95 from China!) so I can move mine around. So here are most of them. I kind of filled up the memory on the phone a while ago, so I don't have that many. It sucked because I could only keep the ones that I thought were really important.

This is Emily's new haircut. Cute right?
This is a painting at the Guilford Library gallery that I really liked.
This is a friend from school. I just thought her hair blowing was hilarious for some reason.
A picture I liked (embarrassingly from Panera).
A "special" child and her rabbit. Reminded me of Emily and Cornbread.
Emily being cute.
Ashley looking cool in front of a truck at the flea market.
Adorable Cornbread.
Emily in front of the smart car she wants.
A llama (natural science center trip with Emily, Ryan, and Ashley).
A straw jammed through Ryan's pierced ear. Yuck.
Ashley being a size comparison for Morgan's butt (it's kind of a big deal).
Me in a sombrero. I bought that too.
Jed's burnt up car.
Oh Max, you will be mourned...
Me in a cool helmet (I did not buy this).
E. being cute again.
Emily in her helmet. She normally has to wear this all the time. It's sad, but she falls a lot, and doesn't catch herself with her hands. So the helmet protects her already pretty damaged brain.
A woodburning that I am particularly proud of making that I gave to Jim. Man, I worked FOREVER on this!
The name sez it all. (the "sez" is special for Em's)
Emily being all beautiful with her long hair.
Chica I worked with for 3 years. It seemed important to keep this, but I'm not sure why. Someday she will marry Jed.
Emily hiding.
Birds nest at United Street. From the first time Jed came over when we were moving in.


msinterpret said...

Oh my goodness. What happened to Max? It's a wonder Max lasted that long!

Emily said...

I'm so proud of your grades! Just one more semester!!!!