Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Seattle, part 2

There's a lot that's been going on lately, what with Christmas and school being out. I've gotten up to many shenanigans with Jed and Emily and the Fam. I will update all that stuff that I didn't have time to write about (such as the transportation museum and all the Christmas celebrations) at a later date. The reason they will be put off is that I'm in Seattle! It's hard to write about past adventures when you're on a new one.

I miss the bunny and I hate flying on planes (but enjoy it on giant birds). So far in Seattle we've had delicious Chinese buns, had some Vietnamese food, seen the Gas Works park (which is very Steampunk) and also been to the Seattle Art Museum. I was very excited to give Emilly's Dad and Nancy the "What's my line?" game I found for them on ebay. It wasn't much, but I think they knew it was a heartfelt/searched for gift. I got (in addition to a free trip to Seattle and a million meals) a gift certificate to the Sci-fi museum!

I will put up some pictures later. I'm to lazy right now.

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