Saturday, December 8, 2007

Eulogy for the Zire 71

This week a dear friend passed away. Back in the days when Em's was in college, she decided that she needed something more than a planner ot organize her life. So she hunted around and found the best little pda she could afford. It was a Palm Zire 71, a sweet little machine with a blue chrome finish and a brushed metallic backside. As soon as Em's gradeeated, she decided that she no longer needed this pda. And that's when the love affair began. As usual I get all of EM's cast off techy devices, mostly because I'm cheap (frugal) and don't feel like things should be wasted. One incredible aspect of this device was that it slid up and became a really cool camera. I never used it for anything else. The pictures were not that great, but you always seemed to capture that something you were wanting to remember. The pictures could be blurry or shaky, and it didn't have a flash, but somehow they had more heart. I dearly loved that little device. Some of my greatest memories, starting college (again), moving (twice), climbing mountains (sort of), visiting strange and faraway places (the mountains, the coast), and just relaxing at home with my favorite people. Loads of the pictures on this page were taken with it. But sadly, this week I broke it. When I turned on my faithful little buddy, all that showed was his cracked little screen. Em's offered to get me another for Christmas, but that wouldn't be the same. I leave you with a selection of some of the favorite pictures that the zire took. (Please hum Bobby Darin's "Beyond the Sea" as you enjoy them, it would make me happy, the Zire happy, and enrich your own experience. I'll get you started: "Somewhere, hmmm hmmmm hmmmm hmmmm huh, beyond the sea...")

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