Sunday, December 23, 2007

So Much Happening!

There's been so much going on that I don't think there's room in the world to write about all of it. I've been feeling a little under the weather, so this probably wont go for to long, but I'll try to add more to it later.
First. Jed graduated. Hurrah!!! I drove up to Raleigh and met up with him and his mother before the two smaller graduation ceremonies. It was all quite moving and I was almost as proud of him as his family was. Jed made a very handsome graduater and here are some pics to prove it. I snapped one of him in his fancy clothes, one in his gown (which sort of didn't come out so well, so I "touched it up" to make it seem old timey instead of just blurry), a photo of his montage that was on the big screen when he walked (or really, ran out of the audience and snatched up the paper), before fleeing back to the audience. The last picture is of the view from Jed's desk in the studio. If he ever misses it he can see it here (I doubt he will). I know I should write about Christmas, but I think that may wait until tomorrow. There are lots of pictures and plenty of stories right around the corner, but I need some sleep.

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