Friday, December 28, 2007


So there's lots of stuff going on right now which is kind of exciting. I'm about to head off on an adventure with Jed and Em's for the next few days and for once I'm finally starting to feel a little bit better. I wrestled with my computer for a little bit the other night and decided that I hate Windows. I hate itunes too. Let's just say I hat most established OS and their parts. I just want something easy. That's when I found the gOS. I just found out about it, so I don't know lots, but I think that I will be looking into it and finding out more. Whoever reads this will probably know a lot more about it than they ever wanted to by the time I'm done. I missed out on the OLPC, and I don't particularly care for the ASUS, but there's a new microcomputer on the horizon. A green one, with the gOS. It even has a cool name, the CloudBook. Who doesn't want a computer called a CLoudBook? YOu knwo what MY computer is called. An Inspiron. It inspires Ron. NOT Jeremy. Stupid laptop. Here's some pics. One is of me the last time I had a haircut, and the other is of Wall-E. If you don't know who Wall-E is, than you're incredibly uncool and should look it up. He's gonna be the hottest thing since sliced bread.

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