Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Why's It So Warm?

I found this delightful image on a t-shirt website and saved it as a reminder. I frequently get into conversations with people in public and begin talking about my blog. As soon as I say the word "blog," which is usually prefaced with "I have..." their eyes go bland and they start mindlessly nodding. Em's certainly wont talk about it with me (except to tell me specifically what I cannot put on my blog...there were some issues) and I don't really have anyone else. I even found myself referencing it in a paper I wrote for today. I guess I really am a ginormous nerd. But this image here should remind me to keep it to myself! I turned in my final piece of English work for this semester today and I am certainly glad that at least one class is finished. Since Em's has been working 2 jobs and I have been going to school full time and working the house has slowly degenerated from its standard messiness to a place that I can only call disgusting. My goal this break is to get it neat, clean, and streamlined for next semester. Today I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom (yuck) and plan on working on the hall and living room tomorrow. I have big computer news, but wont get into that right now as I am unexpectadly sleepy. I actually had a busy and full day today with lots of fun highlights that I might write about later. This blog has gotten sort of compulsive, and I feel weird if I don't write in it every few days.

I think I'm addicted.

1 comment:

IM said...

Don't worry about those people. This is the only time I've ever written consistantly in my life, and that is what I started the blog for. People are usually too self-involved to care unless it has direct bearing on them. The plus side for me is that I get to share with people from around the world who are smart, savvy and whose eyes I can't see glaze over. Fight the power friend, the power being smug cynical people who like to rain on the blog-parade.

PS. Genius NY Times columnist Paul Klugman has a blog--so it isn't all just boboes like me :\