Saturday, December 1, 2007

Sweet Evening

It was a pretty nice day today. I had to go to my Hist. class which I really like. It was nice because last class I had issues staying awake. The professor is really interesting but I was sick. After class I went to the comic shop and canceled a bunch of titles because Em's and I need to save money. She just wants me to quit smoking. I think that I am ready, but I dread doing it. I hate doing things that are hard. Unless they are totally pointless, in which case I relish it. I worked tonight with a great crew. It was really fun. The picture is of the building where I have my history class. I also have my math class in it. Remember if you have any ideas for the 10,000th day goals let me know.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a reporter in Toronto, working on a story about 10,000th day celebrations. Would you be willing to talk to me about your 10k day goals, etc, for this story?
You can reach me at ploriggio (at) thestar (dot) com