Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Wow, I don't even know where to begin. I suppose the biggest news is that Emily and I got engaged. I was pretty relieved when she said yes! We have decided to try and get into peace corps as a married couple, and we are looking for a new apartment. Also I am hunting for jobs and selling stuff on craigslist/ebay/amazon like crazy. I work some (not enough hours) but it feels like it eats a lot of time. Emily is back in school. I got a new phone. That's all I can think of right now, but will try to (at some point) get back on a regular schedule of blogs. This absence is pitiful!

1 comment:

Katie Caldwell said...

I saw the news on Facebook, Congrats! You guys should come to Liati Wote for your honeymoon! ;)