Sunday, October 24, 2010

Another Week Gone!

Time seems to really fly here, and I think "How could I have crammed so much into so little time?"
But when I really think about it I realize I'm not doing THAT much. My classes are going well with the Thursday evening class being my favorite so far. The class is smaller so that may be it, but it just seems that the kids are more into it if you know what I mean!
My friend Luke, who is in a band named Pumpkin and has been instrumental (ha ha) in helping me find a music store/buying geetars, is having a music festival at his school. The band invited me to play and help them work on a song they were writing and I gladly accepted. The show is officially called Halloween Rock Eve, but Emily and I have dubbed it Pumpkinfest and that is what we will forever know it as! I was flattered that they asked and will do a 4 or 5 song solo set. I'm pretty nervous but also really excited to be doing something with music. I have been practicing pretty hard on my own, but it is really exciting to get together with them and finally have a chance to jam!
Emily has not felt well the past few days, we are hoping that it is just a little bug and nothing she will have to go to the hospital for. We have gone through a lot of television on DVD and streamed over the internet, but now we have just settled down to reading a bunch. I had never read much of Agatha Christie's work, but loved derivative fiction of her Hercule Poirot series. Emily got me that and some Steinbeck I was wanting and that has filled many pleasant rainy hours. It is the season for rain here in Ningbo, and we are biding our time, bustling out for groceries and hurrying back. Emily's sister is about to head out on a bunch of adventures soon, and we both wish her luck and good fortune with those. She writes about China in her own blog and is much funnier than me. I think she is one of the blogs I follow on the side bar.
If anyone has any reading suggestion for me than let me know as I am always happy to read a good book. I have a list on the side with what I have read the current year. I usually cap each year with a blog devoted to just the reading list so there are a few years cataloged here. To be completely honest, that's the only real reason that I have had this blog for so long. I used to enjoy venting on here from time to time, but now I just use it as a book list! Also, it is nice to have a place to put our news and sometimes a funny story or anecdote. I have REALLY tried to not be a "whiny" blog :)
I am off to bed now so I will see you next week at the latest!


Theresa Mattiello said...

Hey Jeremy! The other day I was at the craft store and I picked up some wooden eggs (I was going to paint them all pretty) and turned them over to see the tag said MADE IN NINGBO, CHINA. Then I thought of you guys!!! I have a few books to suggest, I'm not sure if you like historical fiction or stuff about the middle ages, but I just read a great book by Bernard Cornwell called "Agincourt" and I just started another by him called "The Last Kingdom" about Alfred the Great and I think it's the first in a series called the Saxon tales. This guy has apparently written LOTS of books from what I can tell. Well anyway, have fun and look forward to your next blog post.

Theresa M said...

Hey Jeremy I started a new blog. Check it out sometime if you like.