Saturday, December 18, 2010

About Time!

Here's Emily with my new uke, Emus. She looks pretty doesn't she?

This is our Christmas pig!

Our friend Maggie and Emily at Heyi Plaza

Heyi Plaza, Emily's fave place to shop.

The snow starting in Ningbo on our campus.

So it has been another long wait between blogs, but this time it was really just because I was lazy. I played another show here in China. It was pretty fun. It seems that their shows are a lot like the old rock shows they had in America, where a bunch of bands would come out and play 2-4 songs and not really a whole set. I played two songs, one on guitar and one on my uke. Emily and her sister got it in Shanghai for me. It is pretty fun and I hooked a piezo pickup in a plastic candy box to it so I can plug it in. The crowd seemed to enjoy it, but they mostly enjoy anybody singing. Abby is leaving for America tomorrow and Emily is pretty sad about it. She is over at Abby's house now to spend the night and spend some extra sister time with her. We haven't really been up to too much. The weather has been really cold, and it snowed which was exciting. The thing that we realized is that in Ningbo it is not as cold temp wise as Greensboro, but hardly anywhere has heat. Once you leave the house in the morning there will usually not be any heat in the buildings. So your classes, the bus, and just walking around in the cold all the time make it seem a lot colder. I enjoy the cold, but Em's hates it. She tends to just want to hibernate, while I want to go take a walk and take some pictures.
++couldn't find camera card, and so I just waited until the next day to finish this blog++
I've been listening to a bunch of old sci fi radio programs (namely Dimension X) on, and it is really awesome to hear the old radio programs on my nifty laptop in China! They have a lot of old shows available for download or streaming and they are pretty small files if you download them. We are not sure what we will be doing for the coming break. Initially we planned on going to Thailand, but have recently been invited to go with one of our friends on a trip to Cambodia and Vietnam. I would like to go to Thailand, but I am not sure if we will have the time. Emily and I are about to go and visit one of our friends Larkry (pronounced Lucky) that we met at our usual restaurant. She didn't go to college, but speaks pretty good english and likes to visit/practice with us. We are going to meet her at Starbucks as soon as I get off my lazy butt and get going. Not much else to report for now, but will try and think of something interesting later!

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