Friday, June 24, 2011

One Week

Only one more week until we are winging our way home to the good old USA. It seems like this year has flown by, with tons of wonderful experiences and some very interesting times. I will admit to being a little nervous about the next step that Emily and I are taking in life. Moving to China was such a freeing experience, getting rid of almost all of our stuff and starting new in another country. But we are REALLY ready to be home. And now (having gotten rid of all our junk) we are really starting over. The plan right now is to move in with Ma for a few weeks until we figure out where we will live and job stuff. I will be going back to Starbucks for a while and will be attending GTCC's school of music this fall. I have a pretty good class schedule and Starbucks has always been great about working with me time-wise. Emily will be looking around for library type jobs that are semi-close to NC. We are so excited to go home and spend time with friends and family. I have a new nephew I haven't even met! Being away for so long makes you realize how much we took closeness and family for granted. I have lots of big plans when I get home and can't wait to see everyone!

1 comment:

infinitezest said...

Im very excited for school and I cant believe you guys are coming home so soon! yes its on S Aycock St and is very pretty; I move in in a couple of weeks.

did you ever read "The Unbearable Lightness of Being"?