Sunday, July 17, 2011

Back in the USA

Emily and I are back in the US! We got home on July 1st and have been incredibly busy. We have a new/old apartment, I will be starting back at Starbucks tomorrow, Emily had a job interview, and tons of other little odds and ends that take up loads of time. Things will hopefully start settling down soon, as I am kind of tired! I had some semi-scary medical stuff come up that looks like it will be okay, and I have a new best dog friend. The highlight of our return has got to be seeing friends and family that we missed so much while we were abroad. My niece and nephew are absolutely incredible and beyond adorable. Spending time with them has been amazing. Hopefully we will be seeing a lot of them. Emily and I were extremely grateful to live for two weeks (+,-) with my mom. She was so helpful and it was a real treat to be able to have homecooked American food! My best friend Jed had a fantastic fourth of July party that featured a knockout fireworks display and really made us feel absurdly patriotic. That's all I have to say for now, so I am going to bed.

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