Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The weather the past couple of days has been fantastic. I need to take my new bike and get the wheel trued, new pedals (the ones he gave me have these three prongs that EAT my shoes, and make the seat flat so I don't wreck my manly bits. The whole reason for this explanation was that the past few days have been so glorious and pretty that I simply had to bike ride, however I was much to lazy to get my new bike set up. SOOOO..I started riding my old bike. I lowered the seat and set the gear to a smooth "1." I proceeded to putter around the neighborhood at a, one might say, relaxed pace. I don't know how fast I was going, but the mailman walking to each house and delivering his letters today almost outpaced me. It made me remember how fun it is to just ride without a destination or thought of exercise. I definitely would NOT want to try to commute on my bike, but for the cruising speed I was making (with occasional kicks from me feet to help me along!) it was great. I don't think I have looked forward to riding all day like this in about a decade. The best part of today was passing some young hotties in capris and tube tops carrying puppies to their car while the pear blossom petals fluttered around me in the breeze under the gloriously shining sun. Sigh. I finally started my short story for school and it is pretty crappy. But at least it's done. Whew. I have to do some revision, but I think it might actually be ok. Emily is back from chicago and is even paler than when she left. This weather really makes me feel so fantastic. Not smoking and being outside makes me feel healthier now than I have in years. I guess I'm eating more, but I'm also doing a lot more so I think it's kind of balancing. I had a great breakfast with my ma and my sis this past weekend. It was weird in a good way for it to just be the three of us. The little shuffle Jed gave me has been getting unending play this past week, whether it be through my headphones or the tiny speakers from Walgreens. That's right. So far my whole ipod experience has run me a little over $5. Yeah. Some noticeable listenings have been Taylor Swift "Our Song," Vampire Weekend, and Toots and the Maytals. Here are some official pictures of them. I usually only have my own pics so it took some real effort to find these official photos on the internet.

If you only knew how funny I thought that was then you would appreciate it more. I think I fell at least twice laughing over those pics, but it is okay if you don't enjoy it. DIfferent strokes for different folks and all that.

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