I really can't say how wonderful my time was in Seattle. It's such a beautiful city and Emily and I had so much fun here. I've tried to add some of my pictures here, but I took SO MANY!!! Work has been going pretty well and I just started summer school last week. I have some really long days. Emily is doing well and accepted the GA position that was offered to her. She is so excited about starting school. My classes this summer are really interesting, but there is so much work in so short of time that it kind of makes you head spin. Gas prices are insane. Living just above the poverty line and having to drive is awful. These prices start cutting into your grocery money. Emily and I decided that to combat the situation we should start suburban hiking (Emily's fancy name for walkin' to work). The distances seem daunting to us out of fit beginners, but we warmed up with a walk to Friendly Center and back. After that we had a nice dinner with friends. The coolest thing in Seattle was the sci-fi museum. The first Starbucks was kind of small and dingy. I was jealous that they had the old espresso machines, but the partners were a little unpleasant and rude. However, all of the other Starbucks stores we visited in Seattle had the nicest partners I think I've ever met. We rode on a duck tour, walked all over, rode the bus through this awesome underground tunnel thingy, ate TONS of delicious food, met a giant troll, and had an awesome time. Here's my photos. More later. I love Ursula K. LeGuin, as you can tell by my booklist.
By special request I would like to share with you some good news. It's about a new person in my life that I think deserves some attention. He started working at my store a few months ago and has already managed to stand out as an entirely awesome dude. He rocks the guitar, puppies, and being a supervisor harder and more badass than any crazy s.o.b. I've ever seen. He rides his bike to work. He gets married. He has 1.7 million free number one combo coupons. Ryan. A name to send sparkling streamers of joy shooting from the top of every cloud catching onto the still falling condensed water that is rain and falling down on our heads in a delightful shower of glory that permeates our every cell, leaving us bathed in the light of his person. Here's a video of him kickin' ass and takin' names at work.
I read your blog! I check for new entries every day!
HAHA! This seriously made me laugh uncontrollably. I'm going to watch it everyday before I go to work now.
I read your blog, too.
I read your blog. I miss hearing from you and seeing you. I love you. Nana
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