Saturday, May 2, 2009


I just finished a really interesting book called As The World Burns: 50 Simple Things You Can Do to Stay in Denial. It is a little extreme, but very thought provoking. I don't think the writers would care much for me, but I respect what they stand for. Definitely food for thought. Here are some of the quotations that really stood out to me.

"Why do you hate violence that frees the victims of greater violence, even more than you hate the original violence?"

"When someone is 'well-adjusted,' it means that they can tolerate whatever the norms of their society are, without being constantly upset and angry, right?"

"You're too afraid and too small to even feel outrage at the system turning you into a drone."

Conversation in the book...
"Do you love God?"
"Of course."
"Do you love him so much that you would like to meet him tomorrow?"
"Now that you mention it, I don't love him quite that much. I, er, I prefer to love him at a distance."

"The grain required to make enough ethanol to fill your tank just once could feed a human being for an entire year."

"No Bunny Left Behind"

"You think economic expansion needs to stop? Why do you hate America?"

"Break all the addictions that are strangling your people. Unbrainwash them. Decolonize them."

"People believe that bunnies are furry and cute and harmless. Why do they believe this? Because they are they've been told it over and over, in stories from Peter Cottontail to the Easter Bunny. It's all propaganda. Flopsy and Mopsy indeed. It's the Big Lie. Bunnies are not furry. They are not cute. They are not harmless. They are killing machines. They are terrorists. They have big legs for thumping. They surprise people."

"Here's one more thing you must understand. You, like everyone else, are an instrument, a tool, a tiny cog in a big machine. We all need to do our parts to keep this machine running. If too many gears get out of alignment or stop working altogether, the machine falls apart. What would happen if the crankshaft in your car started thinking for itself, started thinking it didn't want to be part of a car, didn't want to drive you someplace? What would happen if the sparkplugs started thinking for themselves, decided that they didn't want to fire if you were going someplace they didn't approve of? The machine would break down. Don't you see? You carry a gun. That gun is an instrument, a tool. That's all it is. What would happen if the gun decided not to shoot someone you wanted it to shoot? You need for that gun to do your bidding. And you are just like that gun. You are an instrument of those who wield you. Your job is not to think about how you are used-and this isn't just police officers: this is everyone-but do your job. They tell you who to aim at, and they tell you when to fire. You are expected to do that. You pull the trigger, and you expect the gun to fire. You do your job. The gun does its job. You are all part of the same machine. Do you understand?"

1 comment:

Theresa Mattiello said...

Sounds interesting!
I love the bunnies are terrorists thing!