Monday, September 21, 2009

More Than Nothing

So it's been forever since I've put anything on here and I've been real busy. This isn't really an update. Mostly I just can't sleep. I was out of work all last week with an ear infection, bronchitis, and "flu like symptoms." Today (in about 3 1/2 hours actually) is my first day back at work. Tonight I mostly just read in bed, waiting for sleep to catch up to me. It didn't. So here I am, working on this thing. So what's been going on since the last post?
-Dad had his surgery, and is having a difficult time in recovery.
-Jed quit his job (hurray!)
-Emily started back at school
-The band kind of dissipated
-I'm still doing guitar stuff, working now more on construction and ebay doodling than technique.
-I got obsessed with reggae (the whole going to Jamaica thing)
-I read bunches (see the reading list for specifics)
-I saw bunches of great movies (Outlander, Band Slam, and Ponyo are the faves that spring to mind)
-Emily has been busy with knitting, sewing squishy monsters, keeping me healthy, and learning (slowly) to love the Star Trek!
-The library must hate me because of my constant use of their online queue system (did I even spell that right?). I didn't think they even noticed my use of it until two of them at different times made a comment about it (I was a little embarrassed!).
-I joined the gym!
-I quit smoking, again! (brief explanation: I quit smoking last year, taking a drug from the doctor that made me terribly sick. I swore I would never smoke again just so I wouldn't have to quit. Months rolled by and I began my final semester at school. I won't say I was driven to smoke from the stress, mostly because that would be a lie. I did it because I liked it. And I'm sure some chemical part of me was still hooked on it. There was no smoking of normal ciggies for me though, I only smoked cloves, believing at the time-erroneously-that they were less harmful. I never really smoked them that much or that often, but I would definitely say that they were a habit. Now I'm trying to kick them, without drugs or anything that makes me poo/puke.)
-I like to find guitars for cheap on Craigslist and ebay and buy them. I get too many and sell some. Then I cry and buy more. Overall I don't lose that much money, but it is an annoying little trend that I think Emily may strange me over. My current faves are a Xaviere tele, a Regal acoustic, and a super cheap First Act. Total price for all three combined? $135!!!
-Emily and I are moving to a new house and performing the slowest paint job in the history of mankind. We have a nice brown stove. And yellow ceilings.
-I bought a mower!!! Emily has already named it "Grasshopper."
That's it for now. I'm tired.

1 comment:

Theresa Mattiello said...

Sounds good Jeremiah, and I'm glad you're feeling better finally. Sorry about all the band stuff but school came along and - well - IT TOOK OVER MY LIFE. It was good to see you at work the other day though. And I'm sure Christine will wholeheartedly appreciate your obsession with reggae. I'm just waiting for her to learn to like it! haha
see you soon!