Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Forever Wandering :)

So it has once again been forever since I wrote anything, but I will admit I am beyond feeling any sort of self imposed guilt about it! I am lyin' in bed sick from some stupid virus that I got at the accursed mall. To be completely honest there isn't really going to be anything of much interest in this post, so for the three people who read it you may now consider yourself warned. First off let's mention how wonderful archive.org is. I love it. Free media is sweet. I'm currently listening to a soundboard recording of a August 27th, 1972 Grateful Dead show, and the quality is amazing. Jerry's guitar on "Sing Me Back Home" almost makes me weep. That dead guy just blows me away. I've been playing guitar just around the house but haven't really been playing with anybody. I would like to start playing with Mitch more, but it just seems like time gets away from me. There's a dude at work I may try to jam with but that may or may not happen. So that's the music update.

I just got skype (i know, behind the times huh?) so hit me up if you want. The skype profile name is turtlepaw1. I really enjoyed chatting with Abby on the skype calls she and emily have. It is crazy talking and looking at someone in China. I suppose that although I consider myself fairly up on what is happening technology wise, I am pretty slow to adapt or use it much myself. And even when i do it is sporadic at best, but I thought I would give the skype thing a try.

What else have I been up to? Mostly work and raiding the library. I doubt that many people check out the reading list off to the side, but it has been reliably updated and changed (way more than the actual blog itself!). This year I've had a bit more time for reading than the last couple of years. Being out of school does that for you! I've had lots of time for reading since I gave up the ebay/craigslist addiction. Less time on interweb=more time for reading. Not that I'm not online still, it is usually on my phone though, and that time is pretty much exclusively email and wikipedia. I'm a wiki junkie and not ashamed to admit it.

Emily is finishing up her semester and ready for it, with wedding plans looming over her and the death house of moldy mcmolderson providing us some constant fun. She is a little stressed, but I have no doubt that she is going to rock all of it, as she usually does. Not much she can't do!

Pretty soon we will be winging our way to the land of rasta and ting to pledge our lives to each other in irie bliss for eternity (or at least most of it) and nerves are starting to set in. I think that we both feel unprepared for the reception family thing that has slowly been pushed back month by month. It is good because Abby will definitely be here, which is uber important to Ems, but it is a little nerve wracking to not really know what's going on (although really I just put that for Emily because I figure that it will all work out and I can't really do much about it now if it wont then, see? But united front and all...). The ease of Jamaica makes the reception seem all the more difficult to worry about. I can't wait for the sand and sun as the weather dips colder and colder here.

Work is going well and the season of hell is upon us. It has been a little busy and I will admit to having those terrible dreams at night where I am still serving obnoxious customers. I maintain my smile against all odds at work, but have no stomach for rudeness outside of work. Emily got cracked up because I went off on a rude diner at a restaurant we go to. Sometimes I wonder how people can treat other humans so rudely. What a sense of entitlement some people have. All rules of civility are lost when there is a counter or apron between people.

On another topic, I am considering going back to school this spring! It depends on how I can swing financial aid/just out and out money stuff. I may need to sell some guitars (lol).

I'm using the eee pc that I gave emily because she doesn't really like it and I missed the slow little bugger. It is jumping and flickering oddly, and I am still adjusting to the keyboard, so please excuse the atrocious typos. I doubt I will correct them.

1 comment:

Theresa Mattiello said...

I can't stand the rude people that come to the mall. Anyway, I think we should get together for real soon, when you get better of course! :) I just had two exams today but I am done with school except for two exams I have to take next week. So much more free time will be at my fingertips coming up. So we should get Craig, Dottie, and the rest of the gang together to jam. Oh...i need new strings on my acoustic and my electric is sounding sick. Might need your magic touch to help it sound better. Talk to you soon!