Sunday, February 20, 2011


Since Emily and I have been back we have been REALLY lazy. It pretty much sucks coming back to cold old China after such a magical vacation. I watched the remake of True Grit and loved it, but Emily hasn't found a western that can hold her attention yet. She has been watching a lot of Simpsons and Friends, and we both loved watching some Modern Family. How exciting to be able to blog about our internet/tv viewing! There's just not much going on. We made a pact to cook most of our food at home because we felt soooo much healthier on our trip. We suspect that food quality/cleanliness is the culprit. It seemed like we were always ill in China, which made it unpleasant. My one funny from being sick so long is that I was recommended some antibiotics for my persistent chest thing/illness and was taking them dutifully. Emily got some sniffles/hacking gross sinus infection and I looked online to see if the antibiotics would work for her (she's allergic to most of them). I discovered that not only were they banned in America, they also caused major neurological damage to 25% of the people who took them! Hurray! I stopped takng thema nd has seeeemmed to sufffer no ill effects ajkal;g8lohy agh..........................................


infinitezest said...

it sounds like you guys are having fun :) I saw 'True Grit' sometime this winter and really enjoyed it as well. I wonder if it will win an Oscar this Sunday. I would like to see the original, however, and other Westerns.

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