Monday, May 23, 2011

One More Month!

One more month until we come home! We are pretty ready to get back to the states, especially since my new nephew is coming early! I am sad that I won't be home when he is born, but super excited to meet him when I get there. I'm 99% sure I will be able to go back to starbucks, my classes are all registered, and we already shipped most of our presents home. My obsession with afropop/highlife/benga music had a sad day today when I found out that we just missed superstars Amadou and Mariam in Shanghai last week! Oh well. Hopefully I will have a chance to see them in the future. I added afropop worldwide to my link list and encourage everyone to check it out. They have some great programs. My recent listening has been predominantly Hugh Tracey field recordings and King Sunny Ade. I just finished my book on Alan Lomax that was pretty interesting. He really did lot more than his father ever did, but I mostly just knew of his father's accomplishments. It was a fun (but longish) read. Unless I get overly ambitious I plan on reading a few simpler books in the next few days. I had to start reading more serious books after I realized how many YA books were featured at the top of the list. Now that there is more non-fiction and "adult" lit on the top I can go back to guilty pleasures. :)


infinitezest said...

yay for coming home and early congrats on the nephew!

I know what you mean about books except Ive strayed away from YA novels (which ones are you interested in?) I know a lot of weird books I read as a kid; like one called "Peppermints in the Parlor" about a bowl of peppermints that would listen to you talk and report back to this old woman...strange.

"Bright Lights, Big City" is pretty good. enjoyable and a short read, you'd probably like it. I really want to read "Confederacy of Dunces" ASAP along with "Wind-Up Bird Chronicle"

Emily said...

YA lit rules!!!!!!!!
I has degree in library you can trust me