Sunday, June 12, 2011


So it is almost time for us to come home! We are very excited and incredibly busy getting exams and grades ready. But the big news is...OWEN!!! My "little" nephew was born last week and we couldn't be more excited. Emily and I cannot wait to get home to see him! I have regaled all my students with his size (converted to kilograms). Most of them don't believe me! Today marks six years that Emily and I have been together. It seems like such a short amount of time. We have done so much and look forward to a great future of even more excitement! I had to miss the final Pumpkin concert as it was delayed until today and we didn't want to spend 3pm-10pm of our six year anniversary at a overheated concert hall. But I have gotten a chance to go and play with the band a few times at their many different practice spaces. I've been reading a lot in my downtime, not playing guitar enough, trying to memorize all the countries of the world (I realized my geography was atrocious!), and listening to a lot of Afropop (my recent faves are Prince Nico Mbarga, Amadou and Mariam, and the Soweto Gospel Choir). Emily has been knitting toys for Audrey and Owen, watching some fun movies (Bill and Ted!) and cooking lots of delicious foods. Her tom kha is awesome! We can't wait to come home and try out some recipes on friends and family. We will be home so soon!!!


Dougpad said...


So glad to think of you all coming home.

Sure do love you!

Joana Sabino said...
