Thursday, August 30, 2007

Man of the Year

I've had a really long day today and feel deep down inside the smallest reptile brained part of me that I should be angry for some reason. No real particular reason for these rushes of anger as nothing terribly bad has happened to me, no matter how hard my screwy little psyche wanted it to. I looked for things to be grumpy about all day. I woke up at six and drank a disgusting little energy drink because i was so tired from staying up late the night before reading the most depressing education text ever. The disgusting energy drink promptly made itself known by attempting several time to make me throw up. While i desperately wanted to be mad about it i never did actually throw up. There were a few retching incidents but nothing to bad. At work I kept waiting for one of my coworkers or a customer to say something even slightly inflammatory, but everyone was sweetness and light. Also, people kept tipping pretty well which only served to make me angrier. How dare they try to make me happy! The sheer audacity. A meeting that i had been dreading (mostly because i hadn't had time to finish reading the information that would have prepared me) went off swimmingly (he hadn't had time to finish reading either), and even culminated in a talk about ukuleles (which i love).

--Just a quick side not. Isn't this picture fantastic? I look so serious...BUT I'M HOLDING A UKULELE! It's emo but funny. And emo's funny, so really it's funny and funny. Plus, look at that beard. I miss that.

Anyhoo, my first class went great and, as a little extra boost, a wonderful girl gave me a Flight of the Conchords cd! I stayed at the library and finished some math homework before heading homw. I went home and had some snacks and then came back to campus for my math class. Of course, when i had been at home indulging in Lance crackers and trail mix, I had changed the books in my tiny yellow man-bag. As my math class began i realized that i had transfered my math homework from its happy satchel home to the cold sadness of the floor, AT HOME!!! Furious with myself and blaming the whole situation on a myriad of other nonexistent factors, I quietly told the prof. that i didn't have my homework. She told me not to worry about it. THat made me even more angry. She exacerbated matters by letting us play fun card games in which i totally lost myself and forgot about being angry.

1 comment:

IM said...

Seems like that anger just couldn't gain a foot hold on this day. Ukeleles (did I spell that right?) are the world's best mood-elevator I've heard.