Thursday, February 7, 2008

Hello Again

It's been a fast week this week. Last week was slow, but this one is flying by. Emily and I have been trying to go bike riding some and I thought it would be fun to have a picture of her here, unfortunately the picture I took will not load. The weather has been fantastic, especially since my favorite pair of pants finally kicked the bucket. It's been so nice though I can soothe my troubled clothing worries with the wearing of my favorite leg coverings, shorts. School has been fun but really difficult. Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning with all of the things that I am supposed to do. I'm finding that as long as I take one thing at a time it doesn't accumulate as much. The other day at school I was reminded why Guilford is so kick-ass when I passed a guy making armor. Sweet. Lately I've been drawing a lot and decided to put some pictures of Em's up here for your edification. My friend Ashely started a cool new blog here. She's really funny and takes some mean photos. I'm off to Spanish and Chemistry class now. I have a quiz in Chem class today, AAARRRGGHHH!!! Wish me luck.
Okay, I'm writing this paragraph about 5 hours after the first one. The Chem quiz was easy and I got back my first Spanish test, which I didn't do as badly as I thought I did on. My pictures are taking forever to load because someone in this house regularly uses up ALL of the bandwidth doing who the hell knows what. I just finished One Hundred Years of Solitude and I am completely blown away. What a marvelous book. I don't even know what to say about it because I'm so flabbergasted with how astonishingly great it was from beginning to end. I don't think that there was a bad sentence/word in the whole darn thing.

I think that I want to try looking for a cheap road bike (in Greensboro that is no small undertaking). The last road bike I had is tainted with bad memories. So I normally don't think about it. I bought this bike the last semester I was at Wilmington. It was a beautiful silver Peugot that I bought from a local bike shop for a pittance. Even thought I rarely went to class flying around campus on that bike, listening to (I'll date myself here) Deseperacidos, was a magical experience. That was all destroyed though on the day that I was flying home on the great silver beast and the front fork simply divided. I only had time to register a moment of surprise as the front wheel outpaced the bike itself, leaving me and the frame to grapple on the cement over who was going to go after the beautiful front tire that had always led the way. At last, exhausted, I lay wrapped in the post-coital embrace of the jagged remains of the frame, watching as the errant front tire repented of its escapist ways and circled around to gently bop me on the head with a loving and rubbery kiss. I picked up the tire and and the remains of the bike and dragged both home, to the amusement of those that had watched my fall. At home I washed my wounds and shaved my head in mourning for my lost compatriot who had so viciously betrayed me. But now I am willing to put the fork's division down as a matter of rust or age, and not the betrayal of my love that I saw it as then. It is time for a new day to dawn where I am not afraid of the road bike that may bike me, or fork me over. In that vein I am searching for a large road bike, which would support my colossal weight, and bear me into the future on wings of steel and rubber. If anyone knows of a beat up old bike that needs a good home such as mine, where it will be cared for until the end of its days then let me know.


Anonymous said...

a) those pictures look just like tar (except she's not pooting)
b) did you know tony has been chain mailing for the last year?
c) i forget

ashleysnyder said...

i'm sitting here doing work in microsoft word for class so naturally look - im commenting on a blog!

my roommates are in the other room and i'm sitting here in headphones just giggling about the bike story and i'm pretty sure they think i'm odd. anyways, work was fun today - we need to get some za soon.