Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thursday Night

Well I finished my History paper (regrettably not my strongest) and took the Chemistry Test. I think I did okay on the Chemistry test (I better!). Today was really interesting. Besides the stress of all of the school stuff, I decided that it might be an okay idea to trim my beard and

Here's me playin' the uke

mustache as they were getting a little scraggly. One or two (or three) unfortunate accidents later and my beard is almost all gone and I have no mustache. I should have known not to have tried something like that after consuming 5 cup of coffee, a redbull, and 3 actifeds. My History teacher informed me this evening that he had discovered my blog. I'm not sure if its a good thing that people I know are reading it. They might discover just how COOL I am.
Yeah. Here's the news. -My beards gone. AAAAACKKKK!!!!

This is Frank, where I spend most of my time @ Guilford

-Emily is waiting with bated breath for UNCG's response to her grad. school application. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her, not that she needs it.

Here are some shoes I tried to make out of flip flop soles and an old T-shirt. Lesson learned? I can't make shoes.

-I want a scooter. You just can't beat that 80+ mpg. Will people laugh at me? Yes. Will I laugh at them when I'm getting my uno gallon of gas? Also, yes.
-ebay is a dangerous place for me. It's worse than gambling. I don't even know what all I have bought. It seems to go like this every year after I get my taxes back. I save it and save it and then make one purchase that breaks the levee. A few weeks later I'm broke and weird ass packages start showing up at my door.

This is the house I live in. E. and I use the steps on the side. I like it, and I think its purty.

-I just got started on a new song for my band. If you don't know about the band then I don't know what to tell you. It's only the greatest band of all time! We are tentatively calling ourselves Pegasus Soundwave. But that might change.
-Robots are awesome.
-So is reggae. If you mix dub reggae and robots in outer space then that is the cooles of all.
-I want to go to Laos. Wikitravel is pretty neat and it made me want to go to Laos and eat their delicious food, drink the local beer, and chill. Sigh. Maybe by my 10,000th day.

I took a picture of this flowed today because I love dandelions and I don't consider them weeds. Isn't it pretty?

-This coming year of school is going to be really hard, but I think that I am up for it. Instead of taking a whole extra semester just to pick up a few credits I am taking 3 classes over the summer and 18 credits each semester next year. I was advised to try and pick up a library internship, but instead opted for African Drumming and Yoga.

1 comment:

Emily said...

you sir are a blogging fool! if you get a scooter you should put a sticker of a robot on it