Monday, September 12, 2011

Guitar Build Pt. 2

So today I invested in some gloves from the dollar store to hopefully prevent having the stickiest hands ever like I unfortunately had yesterday. It worked moderately well. The first coat was a barely noticeable difference from the bare wood, but today's coat was a little help. I will be honest and say that this angle makes it appear a deeper hue than it really is. I would be happy if this is how it ends up. I plan on adding coats until at least this batch of tung oil is gone. It is a relatively easy process, if a little time consuming. I'm hoping for a nice natural satin look that seems almost vintage (think Garcia's Alligator guitar). Tomorrow or Wed. I plan on starting on some of the wiring. I am still debating just using the stock bits or creating my own pickguard, sticking on the Mariposa pickups I have, and wiring in new pots and a decent 5 way switch (or even going crazy and sticking a fancy Brian May inspired switching system). I will honestly probably go for the stock setup, but it never hurts to dream a little!

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