Thursday, June 26, 2008

Solstice and More

Hello! Just to start things off, here is a poem (slightly augmented) that I wrote for Ems and left on her blog:
"Emily @ the Zoo"
Emily what we will do
is send you off to the zoo
where tigers eye the kangaroos
before they start to chew their food.

In time you may discover deary
that when tigers are kind of weary
they may not be so patient with
young Emilys that pet and hit.

And if by chance you should fall in
where tigers roam, their little pen
perhaps they'd pass on the kangaroo
to have a little taste of you.

Ta da! Everyone always told me to be a writer. But I was always a better reader. Except when it came to "analyzing." I hated that. This past weekend me and EMily went and grabbed Alicia and went to the annual Solstice festival. We met up with Ashley and some of her ladies (including the beautiful Joy-who likes fantasy and is thus okay in my book). There was some imbibing of ginger lemonade (great at first and then moderately disgusting). We split up when the drummers came marching through and never got back together. Unfortunately the event was rained out, and the storm was so great that it drove hippies, homeless, and fairy out of the park. Emily was sorely disappointed as it is her favorite celebration all year. After, me and Ems and Alicia went to Best Diner and had some fries.

Here's how you make a hamster out of characters
( ='.'= )
(") _(")

Tonight Emily and I went to the grand opening of the Super G Mart, just down the road. It is the anchor store for the FantaCity shopping center that I am sure I have written about before. The store was absolutely amazing. I'm not sure how other international food markets are going to be able to stay open. Not only is Super G Mart huge and full of everything that one can imagine, their prices are really cheap. The lady next to me in line (who mysteriously knew that I worked at Starbucks...Do I smell?) commented on how much cheaper the Super G is than all the rest. I was provided with a free gift with purchase (since it was the grand opening). The free gift is the tupperware pictured below. Even though it says it "dosen werk," I have found that it works fine. Emily and I got a little treasure trove of sweets. I also purchased a scary candle. When we left the store we were given religious bookmarks (Christian) that were in another language. The bookmarks were pretty, but I felt like I was the foreign person. It was a little disconcerting, but gave me a real appreciation for what people coming to our country must face everyday.

Here's my coolest quarter machine find in a long time. It's a Mystic Gemstones bag. You get a carrying bag, two gems, and an explanation of their "powers," all for only fitty cent. I think that this machine may bear some watching. It says to carry a personal item in the bag with your gems to intensify the power (I do! A penny.), and to carry them on the left side of your body (who knows why, but OKAY!). I think I may add a little sidebar with the gems magical powers (oooohhh!) so that I can add more as I get them. Why am I so drawn to worthless pursuits?

I've been reading tons now that I'm out of school. It's such a pleasure to be able to read whatever you want. It's certainly a luxury that I take for granted usually. This past week I've had plenty of time to do fun things like read or watch movies (I've seen Iron Man, the Incredible Hulk, Kung Fu Panda, and Doomsday). Watching movies online is certainly cheaper than going to the theaters. I'm super excited about going to see Wall-E this weekend. All the reviews say that it is as fantastic as it looks. Here's a picture of my new Wall-E toy that I TOTALLY didn't go out and buy the first day they were available, (nervous laughter).

Here's a video of a super cool little robot thingy I got in Seattle.

Professor Layton is the best game ever. I bought it before we went to Seattle and finished it soon after we got back. I don't know why I haven't written more about it as it is absolutely delightful. I think that I have enjoyed Professor Layton and the Curious Village on the ds more than I've liked anything on the wii (don't tell Emily, she LOVES the wii). There are two sequals so far but they are only available in Japan. Hopefully they will be available here soon. I don't know how much longer I can wait. Some of the cut scenes in the game are great. You can watch a trailer of it here if you want.

Links of the Blog:
1) More Yuck.
2) In honor of Wall-E opening this weekend, an amazing Pixar short.
3) I'm so embarrassed, but I love this song.*

*And I totally didn't watch some celebrity prom show with her in it where she was really sweet and nice to some dear little country boy which definitely did not make me like her even more because I hardly even like her at all and barely even cry or sing along really loud at stoplights where people see me if this song comes on the radio. That never happened. I swear. Except maybe once.


IM said...

Sounds like you're having a good summer. Lots of reading, movies, gaming and jamming to beautiful country-starlettes...hmm, not sure on that spelling. starlets maybe? I think the first one was the French or Latin or something. Anyhoo...cheers.

Emily said...

the people demand a new post!