Monday, January 3, 2011

Sick and Reading

So this weekend I was sick with some stupid bug that has me stuck in bed. I managed to read a lot and wanted to share some of that with ya! I just finished David Byrne's Bicycle Diaries, and while it was interesting it was not what I expected. Byrne is a great artist and I REALLY like Talking Heads and his later solo efforts (especially the collaborations with Eno). His efforts to bring outside art and music to main stream's attention is also admirable. But the book just didn't do it for me. It seemed more a bunch of notes taken in a college bull session about cities and development and society. Like people being impressed with books you read in high school. It just didn't jibe with what I was wanting him to say. I suppose that this very rant is exactly what I was talking about, but it's late, I'm sick, and I don't care! I will happily look forward to giving anything else he writes a chance, but will be prepared not to be too disappointed.
One thing I have absolutely LOVED doing this weekend is reading a blog by a girl Emily knew in college called Going Slowly. It is really fantastic. Tara and Tyler are two people who are off on a huge cross the world trek on bikes. It is really well written and their adventures are fascinating. Reading the blog is like being there with them and I can't recommend it highly enough. If they turned it into a book I would read the heck out of it and give it to all my family as a present!
Another thing I have enjoyed doing is checking out Thailand and looking forward to all the good food I will be eating in just a month's time. Our trip to Thailand and Cambodia is all planned out, and we just need to get our Vietnam visas for that to be tied up too! I'm super excited and it's pretty much one of the reasons I wanted to come to China. China is not really all I had hoped it would be, but it certainly has stretched our horizons and shown us just what we really want/need in our everyday lives. Emily is sleeping now and I'm bored so I will watch an episode of Twilight Zone and then go to sleep.

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