Sunday, January 9, 2011

Student Trip

Hello everybody! So it has been a pretty busy weekend here in China. It was AWESOME! Emily and I were supposed to go to some ancient library at Moon Lake with a few of my students (who were to act as our tour guides). They didn't know where they were going so we just kind of bumbled around, but what fun it was! We ate candy covered oranges, took tons of photos, snuck into an all girls school (my students are adventurous), wondered through a cool old slum (finding a calendar from 1984 along the road was my fave part of this), wandered into the most unlikely and the most friendly temple of all time (seriously, these were some happy temple people. Even my students were astonished), and ate a delicious meal. At around 5 my students had to head home, so Emily and I went to the completely legal, but very cheap, and hmmm,-this-title-is-spelled-incorrectly, DVD store and I got ALL the Star Trek films. Emily's birthday is coming up so she got the three Back to the Future movies and the first 18 seasons of the Simpsons. Sunday Emily took our visa info to Jane (who we are going on our big trip with) and I napped, ate some delicious noodle thing, and watched the Simpsons all day. It was great.

1 comment:

infinitezest said...

ah ha! I finally found your blog. you are right though, I do need to write more thoughts because there is a lot going on. and now I can read your blog! how do you like it over there?