Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Today has been a rather hectic day. I just keep repeating to myself, "I will not be crushed, I will not be crushed" and "Do not be the dunce." You know, those happy little phrases you say over and over to make the day go by. I need to be in the schools right now observing, but I'm having issue getting in to see the teacher I have been assigned to. I have TONS of papers due, and other equally important stuff. But I didn't want to write this to vent; I wanted to write it to say how much I appreciate my family. Not just those that I'm related to, but the fantastic people (okay, okay, "person"--I'm not fooling anyone 'cause I'm a loser and everyone knows my one friend is Jed) that stick around. They're screwy and mostly crazy, and if I could change some things I definitely would. But at least I have them. Even though I am a terrible brother/son/friend, and don't speak to my family very often, or tell them I love them, or do other normal brotherly/son-ish/BFF things I think that they all know how I feel. Just knowing they are there is enough sometimes. I don't want to come off to sappy, but it's how I feel. Goodnight.


Emily said...

I'm sure you already know but I just found out about the ukulele orchestra. it made me think of you

Anonymous said...

dude this is a pretty cool blog good job i like