Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Oh Crap

What a day. I thought it was going to be a nice relaxing Mon., but boy was I wrong. I wrote a huge ass post to tell everyone all about it but my computer crashed just as I was publishing it. For some reason I didn't think to save it as a draft, so Poof! it went away. I'm pretty sad about it too, there were some good rants and lots of fun stories. So, here's the summary:
--"It tasted like water" HA HA HA!!!
--Fun with family.
--Work is getting busy.
--School is getting even busier.
--Lots of stuff to do today.
--Heroes is sad and boring now.
--My "simple" movie camera makes me want to laugh and cry at the same time. It's the simplest thing in the world to use, but heaven forbid you actually want to do anything with the videos.
--Joss Whedon is coming out with a new series next year with Ms. Dushku
--Jed's graduating and I'm proud of him, HURRAY!!!
--My computer sucks. No one should ever buy a Dell.
--Instead buy a Mac. My chica has one and it rocks. Did she pay twice as much as me? Yes. BUT, she doesn't have terrible stress headaches trying to get the company to replace the first shit computer they sent you, and she doesn't have to deal with Microsoft Vista. WHat a load of crap.
--Everyone should be listening to Cafe Tacuba.
--Here are some songs everyone should download so they can dance around and be happy!
(I'll put enough to make a great happy cd! if anyone actually does make this cd it would make me very happy! In fact, if you make this cd then I want a copy since one ore two of these songs did not survive the great dell fiasco of '07)

-The Dixie Cups "Iko Iko"
-Justice "D.A.N.C.E."
-Cafe Tacuba "Las Flores"
-Devendra Banhardt "At the Hop"
-Islands "Don't Call me Whitney, Bobby"
-Tegan and Sara "Back in Your Head"
-The Perishers "Sway"
-Cee Lo "Closet Freak"
-Death Cab For Cutie "Soul Meets Body"
-Spoon "The Underdog"
-Citizen Cope "D'Artangan's Theme"
-Mountain Goats "Up the Wolves"
-The Decemberists "The Apology Song"
-Marijuana Wolf "Noodles"
-The Tallest Man on Earth "The Blizzard's never..."
-Health "Unmeasured Man"

Also, the One Laptop Per Child organization is briefly making the OLPC computer available for purchase. You can only get one if you buy two and donate one of them. This will probably be the only time they are available to the general population. If any well off relatives read this and think that you could knock out a Christmas present for Jer-Bear and probably get it written off your taxes as charity then go here... http://www.xogiving.org/
So you see, there was a lot of stuff that I wrote about (imagine a paragraph for each bullet)
I leave you all with this.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am recording the CD...but let the poor kids use an Abe Lincoln tablet. I need a laptop!