Monday, November 26, 2007

End of November

I can't believe that there's another month under my belt. Geez, I just keep getting older. One thing that me and my buddy Jed were talking about before turkey day was about how many days we'd been alive. We decided that we should have a celebration on our 10,000th days. As of today, Nov. 26th 2007, I have 784 days until my 10,000th. I know that seems like it's a long way away, but it is really just a little over 2 years! I am not sure what all I will want to do before then, but I think I want to change lots of stuff. Whatever I end up doing it still would be cool to celebrate it. I just feel like it's a good idea to have some weird future date to look at and say "By then..." Maybe thats silly but I don't care. If you look at the bottom of the page you will see that I added a countdown clock for my ten thousandth day. My first goal is: graduate from college. Sweet. As December kicks off I think that I have some new focus in life. Mostly though I'm procrastinating doing my homework. I was shocked this afternoon to realize just how little time there is left in this semester. It wont be long before I'm workin' full time and hangin' out with my (soon to be) re-Greensboro-ized bud Jed. This coming semester will hopefully be a little less stressful (and hopefully I'll get better financial aid!). I will be taking some really fun sounding courses. In the blog previous to this one I embedded a video for the XO-1 featuring Masi Oka (check out his wiki to see how crazy this guy is!). I don't think that OLPC could have chosen a better representative. Masi Oka gets huge props. Hopefully he donated his time. This post I've included some photos that I would like to share. The top photo is super sexy me from our beach trip earlier in the year. I just thought i looked good, so everyone should see it (those ARE Playboy brand sunglasses, I IS a Playboy!). The next pic is a really cool puzzle that Em. put together on that same beach trip. Scrolling through some pictures in my computer that survived the great computer migration of '07, these two just stood out. The only birthday pics left from this Sept. that survived are the ones on the blog so I thought these two would kind of be safe here. The third photo is my sweet new Ubuntu set up on the old computer. This computer was pretty good, but I really wanted to see what Ubuntu was like. Unfortunately, it will not recognize my wireless network (or if it does I'm too dumb to figure it out). From what I can tell though Ubuntu is great and I think I would rather have that then Windows (especially Vista), unfortunately Windows is pretty ubiquitous. The final picture is from the time three of my robots went back in time to capture a stegosaurus (see background). Pretty sweet.

I've included here the most amazing and inspiring commercial of all time. Watch multiple times and enjoy.

1 comment:

IM said...

That is a great commercial, and good photos as well. I have to say, I'm a big fan of the "Messin' with Sasquatch" ads. (I have no idea how to spell it.)