Wednesday, November 28, 2007


It has been a pretty good day. That's pretty surprising because I woke up this morning feeling like I had been hit by a truck. As I stumbled into the bathroom, hacking up copious amounts of phlegm (pretty right?), I realized Emily had finally passed her sickness on. She of course was finally feeling better after a month of being sick. It was kind of hard to listen to her prancing around the apartment whistling like some daft princess out of a Disney cartoon. I barely stayed awake in my History class, which is a shame because I really enjoy it. But I stared at the teacher today, stunned, barely able to keep my eyes closed. Sigh. I came home and started feeling a little better, watching the latest episode of Heroes on YouTube (that's right, screw you video streaming sucks!). Heroes has gotten pretty good. I know I said that I was sick of it, but the last few episodes have bee watched on the internet with "limited commercial interruption." Speaking of watching TV, tonight I was watching the Fit channel (looking for inspiration, but mostly to see the Namaste Yoga chicks...SWEET JESUS!) and realized who its target demographic was. On a commercial break the commercials were for 1. chocolate, 2. botox, 3. a dating website. What the hell?! Don't get me wrong, I love chocolate but to have that on a fitness oreinted channel? Maybe they were just trying to make sure they kept their viewers. I always want to scream "Here comes the bocculism!" anytime someone talks about botox, but usually I'm in public, so tonight I DID yell. It was magical. Okay, back to describing my day. After my Education class in which we had a fantastic talk from Adrian Israel (I hope I spelled that right but I'm to lazy to look it up right now) I cam home and had some chili. Now I know that all of you are saying "WHAT! Chili when your sick? That's crazy!"
But really it is fantastic. Here is my "Oh Shit I'm Sick and Need to Get Well Now" chili recipe:
1 can of Hormel turkey and bean chili
1/2 a bottle of Tabasco
1 quick squirt of Worcestershire sauce
1/2 of a finely chopped onion
Combine all ingredients in a pot and heat till bubbly. Dump in bowl and sprinkle with pepper flakes, pepper, and top with a few oyster crackers. You WILL either die (thus being out of your misery) or get better.
After this hearty meal I set out for my math class. It was boring. I came home and whined for a while to Ems about how sick I was, she went and got me a samich, I watched TV, she brought me medicine and beverages, she went to bed and here I am at the present.
I'm a little logy right now from all the medicine so I'm gonna hit the hay. Tomorrow I have to work like crazy on all my homework and

1 comment:

IM said...

Okay, couple of things. I think it is the 1/2 bottle of tobasco sauce that will cure you.

I'm reading On the Road right now. The hype is wrong. It isn't a great novel about freedom of the American road. It is a depressing book about trying to find something that doesn't exist. Dean Moriarty gets annoying after a while, and Karouak is a beautiful writer but you can kind of see what's coming in his gloomy prose. People wanting too much out of life. But thank God for them, they changed our culture.

And i can't believe that they are competing for the education of developing countries. I saw someting about this on 60 minutes (I know, old school) and it predicted aholes coming in and trying to make it a market instead of a philanthropic effort. Death to capitalists! As I write this on my Office Depot purchased laptop. Cheers.