Monday, November 12, 2007

Lotsa Fun

This is a big week for me at school. There's a LOT due. I signed up for classes tonight and managed to get them in tighter blocks, which should save me some gas money. I heard that it is going to be $5 by Jan. I'm not sure if that's true, but i still wish I had a scooter. Emily is loving her work but hte drive to Salem and back is not only long and boring, but becoming increasingly more expensive. I'm not sure what she will be doing in the near future. We had our work meeting at S-Bux this evening. It looks like this Christmas will be even busier than last year. NOBODY should come see me from 11:30 PM on Thanksgiving night until 8 AM the next Friday. I think that moms and I will be having a Thanksgiving all on our own. I plan on mostly sleeping that day to be prepped for the Big Night. Hope everyone is doing well. Will post more later. Lately I've felt so overwhelmed, and I know that is not a new thing but I hope it passes soon. I will be taking some pretty cool classes next year: Spanish, Chemistry of Cooking, Latin American History Through Film, and American Short Stories. There will be no Educ. classes next semester as I plan on taking some time to see where my life's going. I really would like to get away from Starbucks as it is ruining my wrists. Plus, I've been there for three and a half years and want to do something new. It is kind of nice to feel like you know what to expect and sort of feel in control, but I want something new. Maybe something to do with books. I know that Borders would hire me, but they just don't pay anything. It makes me cringe to think of paying for grad school when jsut getting my bachelors is taking like 8 freakin' years! I don't know how I'll do it, but I will. For all my feelings of being overwhelmed it is nice to know that somethings don't have to be worried about. I have a great girlfriend, a parent who I know would pull me out of any bind, and a friend that would bail me out of jail. At least I have that much. Right now I'm warm and (very) well fed, there's a roof over my head, and I'm about to go outside and smoke a PREMIUM brand ciggy. Tomorrow when I wake up I'll dring starbucks coffee and drive to my private college in my (relatively) new car. In fact I'm typing this on a pretty new computer! Stopping to think about the things I do have makes me feel fantastic about the things I don't.
P.S. Everyone should download "Frankie's Gun" by The Felice Brothers

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