Thursday, November 29, 2007

Waiting for Something

Sorry that the last post kind of degenerated into a rant. I am really in a much better mood today. It was beautiful outside earlier and I took photos of the trees off of the "porch," a tiny landing that tops the stairs Em's and I enter the house through. I also added a picture of our laundry room. That may be weird, but I always think it looks so pretty when it is sunny outside. I started this blog much earlier in the day but it was a little moody, so I deleted it. I've added a new goal to the 10,000th Day campaign; in addition to simplify, and graduate from college, I'm also going to try and be more positive. I think that is something I really need to work on. Life always seems so much easier if you look for what is good around you. I added a picture of my landlord's van that I wrote about last time. It's parked next to my Cavalier. That van looks so good to me. I miss the minivan I used to have. Also, I finally bought a new coat. Em's always gives me grief for the coat I have, which was purchased for me in 2000 by my then girlfriend. I don't think that the whole girlfriend thing bothered her as much as the faded, stained, (I'll admit it) kind of stinky old coat. We had been looking for me a coat for almost two years, but a combination of my ginormous size and incredible cheapness contributed to failure all around. But yesterday I found this sweet coat at Rugged Warehouse marked down to $60 from $200. I couldn't pass it up. The fact that it is Roca Wear only serves to make it better as it still kind of embarrasses Em's. HA!!! Here's a really cool site that compares the merits of the XO-1 to the Asus EEE PC. I've been reading a Mother Earth News Almanac from 1973 and enjoying every minute of it. It really inspires a DIY work ethic in me. So everyone get ready, cause Christmas will bring lots of homemade gifts. Maybe soon I can post some pics of my recent projects. I turned in my third school study today, so there's only one more education assignment left. I think that I'm beginning to see the light at the end of this semester's tunnel. Em's and I were discussing some cool ideas of things we could do in the future. I kept thinking about the Kerouac novel Big Sur. Isn't that the one where he stays up on the mountain as a fire/smoke watchy person? I think that would be cool to do. Head out there into the wilderness and just vibe. If anyone know if you can still do this, or if the modern techno world has replaced it let me know. One last thing. At work today I had a great conversation with an employee who had worked in the past for Operation Smile. The stories h told really inspired me to want to do more with my life. It really got me excited.

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