Friday, September 24, 2010

On and On

Wowsa. I have not updated this in forever. Soooo, long story short:
We went to a Shanghai Opera, hung out with people at markets, watched someone almost fall off their scooter, went to Lowaitan (and ate FOUR entrees of Mexican food; we were very excited), Emily started cross stitching, I read a lot of books, we watched some TV (Big Bang Theory and How I Met Your Mother mostly), made friends with the security guards by running past them and whistling like a train trying to catch some girls who left a purse in the taxi we had grabbed, played some guitar (started working on scales), joined a technomad group (fun!), danced around the apartment, visited some temples (one of which was 1,700 years old!), read a lot of funny junk online, debated maybe doing more traveling when we are done here (almost surely vetoed in honor of the bunny, but still under discussion), taught classes (I taught 5, Em’s taught 2), are planning on going to get some bikes, shopped and 5 million and 1 “cute” stores with Em’s, worked on lesson plans, tried to join QQ (mostly failed at that one...), danced around, and ate cookies and Dove bars.

I’m not sure what we will do today, but there sure is a bunch here waiting for us! I will try to be on here more, keeping things updated and fleshing out the whole gap I just leapt in a single non-stop sentence, but I won’t make any promises! Lots of love!

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