Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Today is a day of celebration! Emily got her computer up and running with the help of a very nice IT guy and we are back to being a two computer household. It makes me very happy and Emily wont stop dancing around the house. We are relieved to get her computer up and running so she will be less fractious but also it is good to have it as a backup. My computer has had some troubling issues the past few days with overheating and just shutting down. I'm not sure what's going on but I hope it will last the year. It will definitely get more rest with just one person using it now! I'm off to have a cuppa coffee and then maybe Em's and I will have an early dinner. We figured out how to order all on our own (without any helpful semi-english speaking person to translate) from our favorite restaurant. We are going to try a different one tonight so we can have more practice. It looks like we read the schedule wrong and wont be teaching for yet another week so I should have plenty of time to have awesome lesson plans all laid out. I also heard from my Chinese friend Luke and I may have someone to play music with soon. So it is exciting all around. I added lots of pictures to my facebook so everyone can check them out there.

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