Saturday, September 4, 2010

Say What?

While there have been enough interesting english translations here that we don't even notice them anymore, this one caught our eye.  It came on the back of a shower poof we bought yesterday:

"Add some shower juice is it is it make foam to be abundant all over to wipe away, smooth and incomparable before taking a shower. Is it carry on keep-fit massage to whole body, let skin gloss extraordinarily of you happy easily to equal to, fine and smooth and rich flexibly, like bud being generally pleasant."

I just want to shower with it right away!!!

We have been unusually productive (for us) today, getting lots of the house clean and the rest of our stuff unpacked and stowed away.  The house is looking good, and we are all full of funky snacks we bought at the grocery store.  The plan is to head out to the streets tonight and hit up a noodle shop while shopping for a pillow for Em's and a watch for me.  I REALLY need one!  It is weird how I became dependent on my phone for the time, and I never realized how much I checked it.  I'm off to bring in our laundry from the porch, so that's it for now.

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