Thursday, January 17, 2008

First Week of School

It's been a hectic week. So far all of my classes have been pretty great, but I can already tell that I am going to be doing a LOT of work. I especially like my Spanish class. It snowed today (first snow of winter) and lots of people freaked out (which is hilarious). I meant to take a picture of the pretty newly fallen snow this morning but never got around to it. I took this one tonight of the ice on a branch. I think that it catches the feel particularly well. Other news: I finally joined facebook, kicking and screaming. I always said I would avoid it but so many more people are on there than are on Myspace (at least that I know). If you're a member addEmily and I are gearing up for her birthday weekend. Plans are tentative, but tomorrow looks pretty fun. We are planning on going to Mad Platter to make some plates and cups and then to a contra dance at Guilford. I work in the morning so I need to get to bed, but this weekend had some promising photo opportunities.

1 comment:

Emily said...

your picture is pretty but I'm ready for there to be no snow or ice.....or mice