Friday, January 11, 2008

Today is the...

Isn't this a pretty picture of Emily? I just found it in my picture files. Today I was woken up at 7:10 on my day off as the opener at work had not shown up. It was nice to get some hours but I missed out on some vital beauty sleep. The night before I hadn't slept at all as I was freaking out about school stuff. There was an alleviation of these worries when I had a textbook miracle today. All of my textbooks would have ended up costing about $400 dollars if they had been purchased at the bookstore. So far I have managed to get all but one of them. Most were bought on amazon (hurray) and so far I've only bought one from the bookstore. Last semester I spent all my Guilford card money on my books and still had to pay some out of pocket. So I hardly expected there to be anything left on there. However, as I was being rung up I thought "What the heck..." and gave my card to the cashier. Surprise! for my $60 tab I paid $59 from mysterious Guilford card money. I have no idea where it came from as I only took out the minimum needed to pay tuition with my loan. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth I gladly paid my $1 and left. After that I went to dinner with Jed's Pa and stepmama, along with Jed and Emily, at Spring Garden Pizza. The food was tasty, although the restaurant was a bit noisy. After Emily, Jed, and I went to Barnes and Noble (to return a book for Jed), and to Wal-Mart (to return some make up for Em's). While we were there I pestered the electronic department chica about when the Everex would actually ship. She said to come in on the 22nd and they would definitely know if they would have it. I'm excited. Here are some movies I took at the Asheboro Zoo in, um, I think 2006. Enjoy!

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