Thursday, September 27, 2007

More Notes From The DS

Hello all! I finally finished the dreaded english paper. I still don't have the new computer from dell, and sadly the ninny-tendo gets me online faster than my old computer. So I have refused to use ye olde computer and instead will use the nintendo. I should be working on reading about 60 pages of articles about why Truman dropped the atomic bomb on japan, but ecided to blog a little instead. I'm excited about history class tomorrow because we're going to have a debate about the Truman decision and I get to be a judge! It's going to be one of the highlights of MY day. After class I'm gonna go cash my check and get me some groceries. Emily is quite excited about that as we haven't had food in the house for days. We did get to try the new pad thai restaurant that opened up across the street. Emily had the yellow curry which I thought was delicious and on par with Tara Thai. I had the shrimp pad thai which was pretty bland. We plan on going at least a few more times because they gave us some sweet buy one get one free coupons. Tonight we had dinner with Emily's sis-tar Abby and her husband Tony (the tiger). It was a really fun time. That Tony gives great comic shop talk. They even paid for dinner! I had a great bacon burger. That's pretty much the extent of what happened today. I'm off to read some history (and grab some tinfoil for some soft serve).

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