Saturday, September 1, 2007

Rush Out

In my continuing coverage of birthday weekend 07, I decided to relate what i did (ate) today. Emily and I met my mother bright and early at 11:00 o'clock to have brunch at Muse. While the service can be a little slow, the food is excellent and there's plenty of it. I had a blueberry muffin and some coffee to start, and then moved on to the Pork Mojo sandwich (thinly sliced pork, gruyere cheese, lime mayo, and pickles all smooshed together) along with homemade pommes frites. I most definitely did not eat the bacon from my mother's entree or finish Emily's waffle. Definitely not. Then we all went to the pet store and played with puppies. After we dusted sweet long haired dachshund remnants off of our clothing, Emily and I came home and took a nap. After we woke up we went to pre-order our tickets to "3:10 to Yuma," which has a sneak preview tomorrow night. Post movie ticket buying we went to the comic shop to purchase Mice Templar (which is great and everyone should go buy), then we went to Starbucks for pumpkin spice lattes and cigarette smoking outside. While lazing outside of Starbucks we decided to burn off the pumpkin spice lattes by walking 20 feet to the new Fresh Market. Here I made Emily buy me some grapefruit wedges (or, as I call them, A Reason to Believe In God) before heading home. Oh yes, before we went to Starbucks we had dinner at Monterays. I had roqueta rojo (thats two meals where the j sounded like an h!) and heartburn.
**This blog is turning into a terrible list of my dietary sins. I suppose no one's really gonna read it so I don't really mind.**
Later on this evening we went to check out "Rush Hour 3." DO NOT GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!! We left after the first embarrassing 30 minutes and got a refund. I don't think I've ever been more ashamed to be an American. How could Jackie Chan do this? I know that none of his movies are really that good, but at least they're usually funny. This movie was just offensive. The dialogue was stilted and wooden, and even the fight scenes were terrible. So Emily and I came home to stare sexily at each other over the top of our laptops. Sweet, sweet,


IM said...

Hmmm, Rush Hour Three not so good, well thanks for the heads up. I haven't seen a good movie lately. I really like the movie tampopo.

Emily said...

Rush Hour Three makes me sad